Ever since the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center in 2001, the U.S have been aggresive in hunting down the terror network that is responsible for the act. The U.S along with the U.K were eventually joined by other countries in Europe and formed the UNITED COALITION AGAINST TERRORISM or UCAT to combat the growing terror problem. The UCAT was successful in destroying the terror networks in the middle east and for some time, the world lived in peace.
But all of it changed in April 13, 2013 when a new terror group calling themselves the AL TAH'R detonated 13 dirty nukes in the U.S and other countries in Europe. In desperation, the western powers moved out of the U.N, formed the WORLD NATIONS LEAGUE and ordered the UCAT to inspect the countries in the middle east and asia and apprehend the terrorists responsible for the bombing. The Arab countries resisted and responded by forming their own ARAB LEAGUE. The countries in Asia which is led by China and Japan also resisted the UCAT and formed an alliance of their own. Faced with non-compliance from their former allies, the western powers decided to exercise the full strength of their coalition.
In June 28, 2013, four days after the U.N officially disbanded, the UCAT attacked Iran which they suspected to be harboring terrorists. The ARAB LEAGUE quickly responded and the desert sky fills with fighter jets firing rockets and launching bombs on target. For two months, the UCAT fought the ARAB LEAGUE and discovered this won't be an easy victory. The ARAB LEAGUE having an advantage on their own ground was able to push the UCAT farther back to Iran's border. The western powers grew more desperate and they pump more resources to the UCAT making it one of the world's biggest armed force. The war continued for the next forty years.
Meanwhile in Asia, a progress in fuel technology has been achieved when the combined Filipino, Japanese and Chinese scientists came up with H2OF, "Water Fuel" or "dense water" is a fuel derived from the waters in the ocean. Using machines invented by the scientists, WATER FUEL is mixed with reprocessed hydrocarbons and other mixtures but when burned is environment friendly since the byproduct of WATER FUEL is pure oxygen. Asians began using WATER FUEL as an alternative to petroleum while the war in the middle east is raging. When the war continued for the next three years, they converted all internal combustion engines to use WATER FUEL and started trading WATER FUEL and machine conversion units to interested countries. Since WATER FUEL is best harvested at the bottom of the ocean where water is a lot denser like the Philippine Deep, the Philippines eventually became the major supplier of WATER FUEL raking in revenues that amounts to trilions.
The western powers realized that WATER FUEL will eventually compete with their petrol exports tried to stop the asian countries from exporting through economic aids, modernization and other tasty stuffs. However it is already too late since the smaller countries that would've jumped on the offer are now wealthy and getting richer by the minute. Because the U.S and the Philippines has a long history of friendship, the U.S steps in and tried to talk the Philippine Government out. However their request was denied and relationships between two countries soured from then on.
Like the rest of Asia, the Philippines became a better country since the invention of WATER FUEL. Tension and unrest is now a thing of the past. The promise of a better economy prompted the people to set aside their differences and work to achieve that goal. Unknown to the U.S, the Philippines have been secretly lowering large pipes in the Philippine Deep as early as 2008 that will eventually become part of the WATER FUEL Re-Processing Plant. When the fuel was finally ready, the pipes are already in place and the Philippine Government was able to open the plant that pumps dense water that will eventually become WATER FUEL. The Philippine Goverment pumps out the first 1000 barrels in its first month for its own consumption. As the months goes by and as more reprocessing plants were built, the pumping plant was able to produce 1,500 to 4,000 barrels a day. The Philippine Goverment began exporting WATER FUEL to other countries.
The invention of this new kind of fuel couldn't have come at a better time. The experts estimated that all fossilized fuel will run out by 2039. However, because of higher consumption due to overpopulation and the continuing war between the UCAT and the ARAB LEAGUE, the experts now predicted that fossil fuel will eventually be gone by 2025. However, the western powers need as much cash as they can to finance their war. By their estimates, it will cost more to convert their oil rigs to pump WATER FUEL and a lot more to build one from scratch. So when the Asians refused their offer, they bring the war to them. On September 29, 2018. UCAT ships began massing near Borneo. Their target is the least defended country in asia.
The Philippine Islands.
However, satellite images of their ships has been picked up by China and Japan who found the presence of UCAT ships in the asian region unacceptable. Before the UCAT ships have finished massing up, they were confronted by Chinese, Japanese, Korean Malaysian and Indonesian battle carriers with demands to leave the region. The WORLD NATIONS LEAGUE did not expect this face-off and since the war in the middle east is still raging, they decided they could not afford another war which would effectively compromise their resources. The UCAT ships left the region after five days of stand-off but not without casualty. Malacanan Palace was bombed by suspected UCAT spies killing the President and his cabinet. However, the operation was a clean one and the suspected bombers were never caught as reported.
The ASIAN ALLIANCE begun combining their armed forces with China providing most of the weapons and Japan providing much of the technology. The Philippine Government budgeted 22% of its total exports to the ASIAN ALLIANCE as fuel but also declared that the Philippines will become a closed country to concentrate on its own affairs. The other countries did not take this well but the Philippine Government stood by its decision. By 2020, the Philippines closed its borders and has remained so for many years.
2070. Fifty years after.
Fossil fuel is already gone. Oil rigs have been empty for many years. The war in the middle east ends in a stalemate and the attention of the WNL shifted to Asia where the asians are controlling the production of WATER FUEL and enjoying a war free region. Desperate to replenish their resources which was exhausted in their decades old war in the middle east, the WNL authorizes the UCAT to compile information regarding all armed countries in asia and implement a slow build-up that will result in the invasion of these countries and control of the world's biggest export of WATER FUEL.
A brillliant piece of future fiction. Now anticipating the other chapters.
3:45 PM
NIce...Bravo!!!! I like it..but there's only one na msa2bi ko po....yng dense water H30 po is produce in the high presuurized environment and very much unstable..pgkonting galaw lng po ng pressure it would turn back to water (H20)...kaya yon mhirap kunin well in fact we have the reserve in the mariannas trench but the real prob is how to pump out that reserve without changing the pressure...It would cost us trillion of. USD
4:04 PM
Thanks for the info. Well we can say that WATER FUEL is an advanced version of deuterium. The first time I heard about this is in 1987 where they reported that if extracted and exported, can wipe out our debt in just two years. The info stayed in my head for years and inspired me to write ALLIANCE.
6:36 PM
sir farut...nice prologue...i'm now looking forward on your exciting military novel...wishing you all the best...
7:28 PM
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